Friday, 23 October 2015

Inverted Triangle

A metaphor which is used by journalists and writers to illustrate the most important information first on a text, this is the most widely used method of writing a news story. 

Target Audience 1

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Masthead - Red Top Tabloids


This is an image of 6 mastheads from various located newspapers, I have chosen a variety which offer a different look. I will be paying close attention to the colour scheme, font and placement of each masthead.


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Sunderland Echo - Facts and Figure

Sunderland Echo has a daily circulation of around 15,249 followed by an overall readership of 8,577 representing about 16.5% of adults in the area.

Reader profile statistics suggests that 51% of this newspapers readers are males and the following 49% are female. The most common age which was found when conducting this research was 45 and 54.

This newspaper covers a circulation area of 40 square miles, readers can be from the following areas:
Parts of South Tyneside and County Durham
The Boldons
Seaton and more.

Media Consumption

  • National quality dailies - The Telegraph 
          75% from advertising 
          25% from sales
  • National popular dailies - The Sun
          46% from advertising 
          54% from sales
  • Regional dailies and Sundays - Manchester Evening News
          73% from advertising
          27% from sales
  • Regional paid-for weeklies - Hereford Times
          85% from advertising 
          15% from sales

I will also be looking at the digital statistics of some newspapers compared to the circulation figures:

These are the circulation and distribution figures, I can look at these and compare two newspapers such as the Gazette and the Chronicle. This will allow me to  see which is more successful, guiding me with the selection of choosing which newspaper I want to use as my style model. If I choose the more popular newspaper to get inspiration from, this may help with the popularity of my piece.

The more circulation and consumption figures I look at will allow me to become more educated with the way in which newspapers are read, by who, where and when.
These are the circulation figures for The Northern Echo, this will allow me to see where a regional newspaper covers. 


Radio listeners have a very close relationship with the radio stations which they listen to the most when travelling to and from places in the car and just in the house. This is why they trust what they hear on radios much more than what they do when they see something on the television or read in local newspapers.

Radio occupies over a third of the media day for 16-34s:
TV - 52%
Internet - 2%
Magazines - 2%
Video - 4%
Radio - 35%
Newspapers - 5%

Radio is intrusive, it has low advertisement avoidance levels. A study showed that advertisements which are featured on radio stations are less actively avoided than in other media, this is because listeners know that the adverts being played are not going to be on for a long time. Companies would see it as being pointless if they had a long advert on with no visual aid, the shorter the advert the more interested people stay. Listeners could just tune themselves out if they did not want to pay attention to the advert whereas if it were on the television they would turn channel because they would not want to sit and watch the advert.

Newspaper Names

I'm going to be putting the following names into a questionnaire, I will collect the data given and create a final decision based upon the most wanted name. 

Bridges Daily Globe
Tyne Meridonal
NE Merdional
The NE Connection                
Tyne Connection                    
Angel Record Herald
Bridges Record Herald
Bridges to the World
Tyneside Times
Bridges Times

Conventions of a Local Newspaper - Second Page

The next most important page in a newspaper is usually the second page which has the main story on, this is mostly what pushes the reader to purchase the newspaper. The main story is written in a fairly small font which covers the majority of the page, the page nearly always has photographs featured which link directly to the story.  The purpose of this page is to give the reader the most information they can about a recent even which has occurred. Some newspapers choose to include some extra features such as side columns which can vary from political information to music updates and job vacancies.  

Conventions of a Local Newspaper - Front Cover

Friday, 16 October 2015

Newspaper Poster Attempt

This is my first attempt at trying to create my newspaper image. I am going to be using the following image as a guide but with my own local twist on it. My image is going to be featuring the Tyne Bridge which is one of the most iconic features in Newcastle, until I go and take my own images of the bridge I have used one which I found on Google in order to allow me to get an idea of what to expect when I create the poster from scratch.
By creating this with an already existing image has given me an idea of how I would like to capture the shot, it has allowed me to see that different angles will give a different effect of the bridge and could alter the way I would have to position the text.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Newspaper Poster Inspiration

This is the image which I am going to be using when creating my newspaper's poster. I found that the layout of this poster will fit in perfectly with the theme of my newspaper, although I will be using an image of the Tyne Bridge rather than an image of the twin towers; I will be creating my own newspaper headlines to feature on it concerning local problems and achievements.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Create your own user feedback survey