Friday, 31 July 2015

A2 Newspaper Analysis 3

 This is my third chosen newspaper, this is The Shields Gazette. This is another one of my style models.
This is an annotated image of the newspaper front cover above which includes all the information about each feature on the front cover. This will show that I have a thorough understanding of how to annotate a newspaper and how they are strategically set.

The Chronicle Prezi Analysis

In case the image was not of a clear enough quality I have also created a Prezi which includes more information.

A2 Newspaper Analysis 2

This is an example of a newspaper which I could follow the style of, this is a local newspaper.
Underneath is an annotated screenshot of the image above. In order to fully understand how I could complete my A2 coursework I knew it would be beneficial in carry out an in depth annotation of a local newspaper.

Sunderland Echo Analysis

I created an Emaze presentation to talk about a bit more information which revolves around this specific cover as well as some overall information about the newspaper. Powered by emaze

A2 Newspaper Analysis

This another local newspaper which I have chosen to look at.
Here is an annotated version of the newspaper cover above.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Changing the brief.

Instead of producing a film or music video, I decided that I would be able to produce a tabloid newspaper which would be up to a much higher standard. By changing my decision I am now going to have to look at local newspapers to see exactly what I am going to have to produce, this will allow me to get an idea of what features I am going to have to use on my own newspaper. The brief I am now going to complete includes: The first two pages of an original local newspaper together with two of the following options: - A billboard poster for the newspaper - A radio advertisement for the newspaper - Two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website. I have decided to create a billboard poster and a radio advertisement for the newspaper along with the first two pages of an original local newspaper.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Year 13 Film Analysis

To get an idea of what I want my Year 13 coursework to look like, I watched the coursework produced by students in previous years. This allowed me to see exactly what my piece would have to include and know the standard in which I would have to reach.

Following the OCR specification, I looked at what each level included and none of the pieces I watched fell lower than level 3 meaning that they were all up to a good standard. Looking at past student's work gave me an idea of what I would have to produce and how I could go about making something which follows the specification.